Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Special Report

Michael, Misty & Ethan were happy to

find Filling The Void in Denver.


Wow. Who would have thought? Filling The Void is officially climbing in altitude, crossing state lines and setting out on our second adventure.

We’ve been telling you about the idea for months, and now that seed is sprouting. As of April, we’ve begun – albeit on a small scale – to scour the city streets in Denver, Colorado.

The story behind the startup began on an airplane in April 2007. That’s when the founder of Filling The Void was seated near someone affiliated with The Oilfield Christian Fellowship.

The divine appointment turned into an opportunity to tell about 60 oil and gas people in downtown Denver about Filling The Void.

Several people in the crowd caught a vision for taking up the cause to help the poor. In the months that followed, Filling The Void prayed, planned and trained potential volunteers.

All the eager anticipation culminated on April 17 as nine Denver-based volunteers braved a cool Colorado day – just for the opportunity to pass out 16 box lunches and to pray with the needy.

Two of those lunches went to the young couple you see pictured above – Michael and Misty. They specifically asked us to pray for God to help them find stable housing.

Interestingly, their names really rang a bell. So we checked our records. Sure enough, we helped a different Michael and Misty in August 2004 when we were starting up in Tulsa.

So you get the picture. God is up to something here…and there. He’s showing us how similar the needs are in every city, no matter how many miles separate the Michaels and Mistys of the world.


A man named Robbie Lee gave us plenty to shout about on April 23. He no longer needs a cane to walk. And he's absolutely, unequivocally convinced about how it happened.

In his own words, God healed his leg after we prayed with him months ago. By the best of our recollection, that's the third documented miracle we've seen while ministering. In Matthew 14:14, the Bible says when Jesus saw a large crowd,
He had compassion and healed the sick.


It happened again. Someone who recently received one of our lunches left something with one of our volunteers – an $11 donation. We could say we're surprised, but we're not. The majority of people we serve are plenty grateful for a free lunch, and they show their appreciation through hugs, hearty thank you's & an occasional dime or dollar.


We’ve been seeing a bumper crop of new volunteers in Tulsa. They include Joy Taylor, John Walsh, David Dale, Tami Knorr, Jon David Parker, Angela Meyers and Julie Johns. Thanks for serving. And welcome aboard!


It's sad, but true.
The economic downturn is hitting the poor especially hard. We’re already seeing news reports about an increase in thefts at grocery stores. The trend will likely continue as prices for gas and groceries outstrip the rate of inflation at an exorbitant rate. As we watch these events unfold, we believe God has put us in a state of readiness to help more and more people.